Department of Political Science and International Relations
Scientific Projects Developed in Our Department
Alexander Bürgin, Jean Monnet Chair Project: EU Environmental and Climate Policy, financed by European Commission, 2020-2023
Alexander Bürgin, Common Summer School Programme with the Institute for the International Education of Students, European Union Center Freiburg, Germany, since 2012 ongoing. (Institute for the International Education of Students/Izmir Ekonomi Üniversitesi, 2011-2012)
Sıtkı Egeli, TÜBİTAK, “Opportunities and Challenges in the Arctic: Preparing of Strategic Roadmap for Turkey”, 2018-2019
Mehmet Efe BİRESSELİOĞLU, TOBB Turkey Natural Gas Assembly, “Establishing a Sustainable, Competitive and Lİberal Natural Gar Market in Turkey: Private Sector's View”, 2017-2018
Alexander Bürgin, Jean Monnet Chair Project: "Challenges and Achievements of EU Governance", financed by European Commission, 2015-2018
Alexander Bürgin, Global Environmental Policy Learning: “Determinants of Success, Implications for Turkey”, financed by British Council, 2016-2017
Alexander Bürgin, EU-Turkey cooperation on migration, incuding travels to Brussels and Ankara, 2013-2015. (IUE BAP Project, 2014-2015)
Alexander Bürgin, Can the EU accession process of Turkey be reversed? BAP reserach project including travels to Ankara, Brussels and Berlin, 2013-2015 (IUE BAP Project, 2011-2012)
Mehmet Efe BİRESSELİOĞLU, UN Global Compact Turkey, “Localization of Sustainable Energy for All: Business Opportunities Report”, 2013-2014
Mehmet Efe BİRESSELİOĞLU, Izmir University of Economics SRP Office, “Energy Security Perception of Industrial Organizations of Turkey”, 2013-2014
Mehmet Efe BİRESSELİOĞLU, Ankara Development Agency and Ankara Chamber of Industry, “Solar Energy Inventory and Potential Investment Opportunities in Ankara”, 2011-2012
Mehmet Efe BİRESSELİOĞLU, Ankara Development Agency and Ankara Chamber of Industry, The Clustering Potential in Renewable Energy Prospects in Ankara, 2011-2012
Ozan Arslan, NATO Public Diplomacy Division, “V. International Conference on Security: Eurasian Security in a Changing World”, 2009-2010
Filiz Başkan, İzmir University of Economics, “Participation of Rising Islamic Business Elite to Political Life in Turkey”, 2008-2009
IISS Published Report Co-authored by Sıtkı Egeli
The report on the security and foreign policy co-authored by Assoc. Prof. Dr Sıtkı Egeli was published by the UK-based International Institute for Strategic
Devrim Sezer and Murat Borovalı participated in 'Political Philosophy Meetings'
Devrim Sezer and Murat Borovalı participated in the first 'Political Philosophy Meetings' hosted by the Department of International Relations at Istanbul Bilgi
Filiz Başkan gave a seminar at the Izmir Branch of the Mülkiyeliler Birliği
Prof. Dr. Filiz Başkan gave a seminar at the Izmir Branch of the Mülkiyeliler Birliği.
We Organized the 20th Postgraduate Conference of Turkish Political Science Association
The XXth Graduate Conference, organized by the Turkish Political Science Association and the Izmir University of Economics Department of Political Science and
Ogan Yumlu's New Article Published in Third World Quarterly
Dr. Ogan Yumlu's co-authored article, "The Alevis and Roma/Gypsy in Turkey: republican freedom revisited" was published in Third World Quarterly.
The booklet co-authored by Sıtkı Egeli was published by IISS
The booklet, "The Rise of the Turkish Defence Industry," co-authored by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sıtkı Egeli, was published by the UK-based International
Dr. Umut Can Adısönmez presented his article at the 65th International Studies Association conference.
Dr. Umut Can Adısönmez, together with Prof. Bahar Rumelili from Koç University, presented their paper "Power, Glory, and Nation Rebranding in Non-West:
Devrim Sezer's interview with Ümit Kurt was published in Toplumsal Tarih
Devrim Sezer's interview with Ümit Kurt on his book "In the Department of Law and Order" was published in the April issue